Restaurante Justo
Experiment with the more elegant healthy eating experience in Medellin.
The Lowdown.
Restaurante Justo is veganism taken to the next level for plant-based practitioners that have had enough laboring over their lentils and want to pick up some new tricks from celebrated chef Anthony Rincon. Most of the products crafted into tasty treats by Rincon are grown on a nearby farm owned by the restaurant’s owner, Sebastian Hernandez.
Not everything is vegan but most of the sophisticated menu is. It’s even more impressive given the stylish interiors and a privileged spot on one of the tastiest streets in Medellin making for an altogether more elegant healthy eating experience.
Far from the utilitarian cliches normally conjured up when people imagine vegan restaurants in South America, the restaurant also has a market for fresh and dried foods for wannabe plant-based chefs to take home with them and spice up their daily rations. That unquestionably makes it the leader of the best restaurants of Vegan and Vegetarian food in Colombia.

What makes this restaurant so special?
The stylish and trendy concept.
The food is very tasty and inventive.
They have a market for light shopping of hard-to-find vegan groceries.
The super laid-back atmosphere and the plenty of vegan dishes make this restaurant a great option to eat well in Medellin.
Its well-designed architecture makes it one of the jewels of the cosmopolitan Medellin.
What should I order at this restaurant?
Start your meal ordering ceviche with palm hearts, red onion, avocado, tiger’s milk made with tomato from the tree.
The enjoyment continues with fritters stuffed with shitake and oyster mushrooms and traditional costeño cheese.
Finish your tasty experience by trying the creamy rice with setas made with cream of cashew nuts, baked portobello mushrooms, asparagus, and oyster mushrooms.
Who will enjoy this restaurant?
This restaurant located in the most popular sector of Medellin is the ideal shelter for Vegans, environmentalists, and healthy food lovers.
Cra. 37 #10A-58, Poblado, Medellín
Monday / Closed
Tuesday / 15:00 – 23:00
Wednesday / 15:00 – 23:00
Thursday / 15:00 – 23:00
Friday / 15:00 – 23:00
Saturday / 15:00 – 23:00
Sunday / 15:00 – 23:00
T. +57 310 526 2790
Web: Justo Restaurante
IG: @justorestaurante