The Weekly Guide to Colombia.

Edition #2 / 28.08.2024

A carefully curated guide to what’s happening in Colombia. A scintillating selection of life-changing, learning experiences, magical journeys, thrilling festivals, cultural happenings and opportunities to leave a positive mark on this marvelous country.

Mompox Jazz Festival.

Experience the vibrant rhythms of jazz and Colombian sounds at the annual jazz festival in Santa Cruz de Mompox, one of the year's most anticipated cultural events.

This charming town, nestled southeast of Cartagena on the Caribbean coast, opens its historic streets—recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site—to visitors from around the world.

The festival offers a rich mix of musical styles, from jazz to merengue, bachata, and porro, and features workshops to empower local musicians.

As the town comes alive, expect bustling crowds in its churches, squares, and bars, all culminating in a spectacular closing concert at Plaza de Santa Bárbara. Direct flights from Cartagena make it easier to reach Mompox, but early booking is essential for this popular weekend event.

Starts: Friday, October 10, 2024

Ends: Sunday, October 14, 2024

Where: Santa Cruz de Mompox, Bolivar

Dawn at Los Cerros de Mavecure. Credit: Gabriel Eisenband.

Mavecure Photo Expedition.

If you're looking for an expedition filled with adventure, history, cultural exchange, and breathtaking nature, Guainía is the perfect destination for you. And now, you have the exclusive opportunity to experience this mystical Amazonian territory through the lens of award-winning nature photographer Gabriel Eisenband.

Join Gabriel on a unique photo expedition to explore the iconic Cerros de Mavecure, where nature takes center stage with epic landscapes and untold stories. Capture the raw beauty of this multi-ethnic land, home to indigenous communities like the Puinave, Curripaco, Tucano, Cubeo, and Sikuani.

As you journey through Guainía, you'll discover the region's rich water resources, including the Inírida, Guaviare, Atabapo, and Orinoco Rivers. This territory, steeped in powerful ancestral knowledge, offers invaluable opportunities to connect with nature and push your creative boundaries.

Starts: Thursday, October 10, 2024

Ends: Tuesday, October 14, 2024

Where: Mavecure, Guainia

Secret Garden Supper Club at Blue Apple.

Discover the Healing Power of Spices with Chef Kanchan Koya at Blue Apple’s Secret Garden Supper Club

Join Chef and Dr. Kanchan Koya for a unique culinary experience at Blue Apple’s Secret Garden Supper Club. With a Ph.D. in Biomedicine from Harvard and training from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Chef Kanchan combines her scientific expertise with her passion for food, demonstrating how spices can be both delicious and healing.

Starts: Thursday, October 24, 2024 / 18:30

Ends: Thursday, October 24, 2024 / 23:30

Where: Blue Apple Beach House, Cartagena

Essence Yoga & Jungle Retreat.

Set in the heart of the jungle, this yoga retreat at Selva Minca offers a unique journey to reconnect with yourself and the natural world. Each day blends serenity and adventure, with mornings spent in meditation and yoga surrounded by the lush rainforest.

Explore hidden jungle treasures, from winding trails to refreshing waterfalls, and immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of this stunning ecosystem. Activities range from silent meditation to dynamic yoga, river walks, and even a day diving in the Caribbean waters.

Indulge in delicious vegetarian meals, partake in a cacao ceremony, and let the magic of the jungle revitalize your spirit.

Starts: Thursday, November 7, 2024

Ends: Monday, November 11, 2024

Where: Minca, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Colombia’s Cultural Calendar.

Get A-Listed.

If you’re doing great things in Colombia and you’ve got something you want to share with our audience of socially and culturally conscious travelers then take five minutes to share it with our team.

If we like it, we’ll list it.

Rainbow Nelson

Originally hailing from the UK, Rainbow Blue Nelson first landed in Colombia in search of Tintinesque adventures in 1996. Subsequent forays from his Caribbean base in Cartagena have thrown up a book about Pablo Escobar, and the Wallpaper* City Guides for Santiago, Brasilia, Bogota and Miami. Currently completing a second book about Colombia whilst re-wilding 50 hectares of tropical rainforest on the country's Caribbean coast, he’s interviewed some of South America's most influential figures in art, design and architecture for Wallpaper* and other international publications.

The Weekly Guide to Colombia #3


The Weekly Guide to Colombia #1.